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Marketing Stable Blog

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Testing out AI-generated logo makers

Testing out AI-generated logo makers

Our last blog post covered the basics of how online logo generators work and whether they’re a good fit for you. As an exercise, I’ll walk through using these logo makers to try to recreate the Marketing Stable logo.

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Logo makers, AI generators, and branding on a budget

Generative AI has skyrocketed in popularity over the past few years, making way for various one-stop solution business tools. You can use chatbots for customer service, create written content from a sentence-long prompt, or create a new logo with just a few clicks. It sounds appealing to save time and money while still having your own input on the machine — so how do “AI-generated” logo makers work? And what’s the material difference between that and hiring professional “branding”?

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The Difference Between Marketing and Sales

Many businesses blend marketing and sales and see them as the same. There are differences between marketing and sales. Marketing is making future sales easier, and sales are the final actions to get a purchase. While there may be moments when they blend, marketing and sales are different.

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Why Your Social Media Strategy Is Struggling

You may be disappointed in your lack of success on social media if you haven’t given into the new preferred content type. What is this content type? Short length vertical videos! These videos are under a minute long and now being pushed by major platforms. Short-length vertical videos are kicking every other content type’s ass right now.

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What is the social media app BeReal?

Let’s talk about the most popular new social media app out there BeReal. While it does some things well, it ultimately tries to reinvent the wheel too much. I like its core purpose of taking out the heavy actual filters of photo editing and the filters we all put on our social media feed and only showing a highlight real.

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